So you may have heard of the Twilight phenomenon. Stephenie Meyer's series of books about Emo Teenage Vampires that have been on the bestsellers lists for quite some time now. Teenage girls are buying these books like crazy and even adults jumped on the bandwagon.
Since I enjoy a good vampire story, I decided to give the books a try. I eagerly picked up Twilight & began to read. I hated it almost immediately. It is the worst written, most boring book I've read in a very long time. The funny thing about bad writing is that you can kind of excuse it if there is a decent story behind it - witness the Harry Potter books. J.K. Rowling's writing style makes me cringe, but the story itself roped me in & I gladly plowed through all of the books to see how it all ended. But this book has bad writing & no real plot. Nevertheless, I paid for the stupid thing, so I persevered and finished it. I didn't buy any of the other books in the series because, frankly, I really don't give a shit what happens next.
Well today I found someone who thought the book was as bad as I did - and she has done an amazingly funny, way more interesting than the original, recap of the book. It begins here and even if you didn't read the book, I think you'll find the recap hilarious.
Daily Tech News 24 February 2025
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