Ok, I am exhausted, I am tired of talking to mouth breathing morons, 9/11 troofers, idiots with blinders on who cant see through the double speak and jerkoffs who just mumble, "Hope and Change" like that's the answer to all of our nation's ill's.
I have resigned to the fact that McCain will probably not win in November, he has been fighting an uphill battle since the beginning, he has been dealing with an unfriendly media a ruthless, endless money pit in George Soros who will do anything to finally own the White House and of course dissension in his own party.
Democrats cannot or will not see that this economic crisis falls square in their hands, oh there is enough blame to go around, but all the shit of this sub-prime mortgage mess is all on them.
Republicans have thrown up their hands, they say that McCain is not a "real" Republican because he doesn't toe the company line, that he has worked with Democrats and in the end he is not a total religious nut and bible thumping freak.
The Republicans are going to stay home watch Fox News and bitch about how can America let a Muslim become a president, and I am ok with that.
Why the sudden change of attitude, why am I no longer spouting the Republican mantra and singing the praises of Sarah Palin, well you can thank Robert Wuhl for that.
Last night on HBO I watched Robert Wuhl's comedy/history special, "Assume the position" and one thing that was made perfectly clear is that since we became a country not under British rule we have made mistakes, we have elected bad presidents we have made bad decisions as a nation and you know what, we survived, thrived and prospered, because as Americans that's what we do.
This country, like the City of New Orleans, needs a good douching, maybe this is the catalyst for true hope and change, maybe this country needs a bad leader, a total fucking ignoramus, another Jimmy Carter so to speak, to finally get its collective heads out of its asses.
A lot of people don't remember the 70's Jimmy Carter became president because of Nixon, Ford, and what was perceived as an Old Man's Club so this country wanted something different. They elected some bumbling fool from the south to govern our country to lead us. (I was only 10 at the time so I didn't vote) Americans wanted a leader to give us strength and to help us move into the next decade.
What we got was a dizzy fool who was afraid of his own shadow, a drunk brother who gave us Billy Beer and Iranians that pissed all over us and we accepted it.
Then 2 things happened, Lake Placid, New York and a Hockey team with the heart and pain of a whole nation on its shoulders and a Governor from California who spoke softly but wielded a big stick.
Americans finally woke up, Reagan's commercial, "It's A New Day" sat in everyone's subconscious and he became victorious. Reagan felt our pain, he was strong yet compassionate he was feared yet respected admired and loved.
To this day pollsters and the media still use the term, "Reagan Democrats" when conducting surveys and to explain how Republicans can gain so much ground in typical Democratic strongholds and to get a true understanding of how much our nation was hurting, Reagan won New York, a city that was on the brink of financial ruin.
I am afraid of an Obama Presidency, I fear for our nation's safety and for the good men and women that will fall in harms way because Obama is too stupid, weak or retarded to speak softly and carry a big stick.
It's going to be a very painful 4 years under Obama, but we will survive and a leader will come out of the ashes and again bring us to the point where we are a great country once again.
So for the next 4 years I am just going to watch Fox News and drink Brawndo, because it has electrolytes and shit.
Daily Tech News 24 February 2025
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