DETROIT -- After nearly seven years in an exclusive 11th-floor office, former Mayor Kwame Kilpatrick will see the city through cloudy, narrow windows in a cell on the second floor of the Wayne County jail.
Kilpatrick appears in court Tuesday to receive a 120-day sentence, the punishment for a scandal of sex, lies and text messages that was a millstone around the neck of a region already staggering from the woes of the auto industry.
With good behavior, Kilpatrick could be out in February after 100 days. He will also get a bill from the jail: $60 a day.
(Stay Classy Detroit)
Deep State Operative Reveals How "Sophisticated Bureaucrats" Can Decieve
and Waylay "Unsophsticated Political Appointees" That Trump Puts Into Office
An example he gives of how bureaucrats will "crush" RFKJr.: they'll set up
a fake commission to "study" one of his issues, like fluoridation in the
water. ...
9 hours ago