This made me laugh. Go here for the whole thing.
Act wun.
Seen wun. (Seen wun? It damn near bit meeh!)
Hamrit: = ( I has a sad. Bai dad, yu am ded naow. Mommy has teh buttsecks with yer bro.
Daddy Hamrit: Boo! Did I skeered you?!
Hamrit: ZOMG! An ghost!
Daddy Hamrit: Yaz. Iz meeh. Blargh, I R ded. It mah bro. I say ‘Don’t taze me bro’ but him pore the poisins in mah earz.
Hamrit: WTF? Yr EARZ??
Daddy Hamrit: Yaz. He has a neebil. Yu gotsta f*** him up real bad.
Hamrit: But Y him pore it in yor earz?
Daddy Hamrit: I doan no, is not importants. You gotsta promises yu will laxxor him.
Hamrit: Wot, in his earz?
Daddy Hamrit: FFS, will yu STFU about the earzes? Stopid n00b
Hamrit: K, I sorry. I go now kthxbai.
Daddy Hamrit: Kbai. [BRB]
Enter sum peeps.
Hamrit: I’s gonna pretend to be mad for a bit, k?
Peeps: Ya, wotevs, dude.
Hamrit: Win. BTW, you eva heard of poring poisin in a dude’s earzes?
Peeprs: WTF? Him earz? Dat stopid!
Hamrit: Ya dats wot I fink. Kbai. [BRB]
Seen Too (Yah, I seed it too)
Clawdius: O hai peeps. Bein king is full of win and cheezits.
Peeps: O rly?
Clawdius: Ya rly.
Hamrit: (sotto voce) stopidkingporedpoisininhimEARZfreakyfreakmans
Clawdius: Sup, foo? It been five mins since yor dad been ded, y yu not cerebrate mi weddings with yo mama?
Gertrood: Ya, Hamrit, has a gushy fud and cheers up.
Homrit: What EVs.
Clawdius: Dat good enuff for meeh. C’mon Gertrood, let’s make a sexy taims
[Gertrood & Clawdius BRB]
Hamrit: (sotto voce) Him still smell of pewpies imo.
[All BRB]
** I fixed the formating a little - Chris **
The Morning Report — 2/ 27 /25
Good morning kids. Starting off on a sad note, screen actor extraordinaire
Gene Hackman, who brought to life many iconic roles has passed away at the
age o...
52 minutes ago