Nick Hogan calls his mommy crying that he wants to come home, this is the same kid that showed no remorse for turning his friend into a vegetable platter while drag racing.
He has to spend 8 months in the prison infirmary, because I would assume that if he was placed in genpop his fellow inmates would go Hulkamania all over his ass, and not in a good way if you're on the receiving end.
Listen to the audio here and laugh along with me.
** UPDATE ** Here is additional audio between Hulk and Nick, where they both place the blame on his friend for Nick being in prison and how Nick wants his own reality show.
Listen Here
** UPDATE ** What is it with the fucking Hogan's not being able to drive.
Here is a photo of Brooke after rear ending another car in Florida, well at least she didn't kill anyone.
Daily Tech News 24 February 2025
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