The Libertarian National Convention is being held this weekend in Denver. I've spent several weeks researching the various candidates for the Presidential nomination. (There are a bunch of them.) I try to pick candidates who not only represent my views but will also represent the Libertarian Party well (no whackos). Just to be clear - I am a minarchist - so I was looking for someone that represents that fairly well.
In order of preference, I support any of the following:
1. Mary Ruwart
2. George Phillies
3. Steve Kubby
I would probably be equally okay with Mary or George - I just put Mary first because I think running a woman might give the Party a little more recognition this year. I think George is a good strong candidate - and I like his positions - I just don't think he has a lot of charisma (which is apparently what sells a candidate these days).
I would definitely NOT like to see either Bob Barr or Mike Gravel get the nomination. While they are both probably the best known outside of the Libertarian Party, that is because neither one of them IS a libertarian. They are both examples of something that happens all too often in third-party nominating elections - people who aren't able to get along or rise as high as they'd like in their own parties (Barr with the Republicans and Gravel with the Democrats) so they co-opt a third-party and try to twist it to fit their agendas. Neither of them represents anything even remotely resembling Libertarians. I think it's unfortunate that some members of the Libertarian Party would be willing to sell out the whole purpose of the Party just to achieve a little more press coverage.
Oh and to those who say I'm "wasting" my vote - I can live with that. I'd rather vote my conscience than sell out and vote for any of the major parties who absolutely do NOT represent my views at all.
Daily Tech News 24 February 2025
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