Thursday, June 5, 2008

Found my candidate

This presidential race has been one disappointment after another for me - but I've finally found a candidate I am proud to support:

Dave Barry!

He is currently fielding questions from the public on his positions. Go here to submit your question and read some questions/answers already posted. Here's a sample of his wisdom:

Q: Dave, I see that those wacky scientists have found a way to make a monkey's brain control a robot arm merely by thought. What practical uses will this amazing technology have for the millions of us who have idle monkey brains?

Submitted by George O'Jungle from San Diego Zoo

A: I think this would be a better world if more things were controlled by monkey brains. The Department of Commerce is only one example.

Answered 05/30/08 14:01:03 by Dave Barry

Q: Dave, is there any chance that the end of the world will occur before my wife drags me to see that movie about four women buying shoes?

Submitted by Matthew Broderick from New York, NY

A: All we can do is pray that it will.

Answered 05/27/08 10:19:52 by Dave Barry

Q: which countries will you be declaring war on once elected president?

Submitted by zac from perth

A: We'll be taking them alphabetically, starting with France.

Answered 06/03/08 16:18:02 by Dave Barry