NY Nerd, has decided to take our blog in a new direction, and I agree after a year of political talk we will focus on being more lighthearted, so I give her free reign to post all of the adorable puppy pics, cats getting their heads stuck in shit videos and what ever else her cute little mind comes up with.
But... I want to leave with this.. and I felt it needed to be said.
I am not going to be the douche that says, "Hey, he is not my President"
I will not spend the next 4 years in my parents basement setting up a "ImpeachObama.com" website and trying to sell ObamaHitler shirts on cafepress.
He is our President, the American people have spoken, right or wrong the choice has been made and we have to deal with it for the next 4 years.
We as Republicans should not take this lying down, we need to find out what went wrong and fix it so we are not put in a situation ever again where our choices are a Socialist or an old Washington insider.
I don't look at this as much as an Obama victory but a McCain loss, for all the money spent for all the infomercials for all the promise of hope and change it translated to just over 1 million more votes than Bush got in 2004, and Bush won on the "better of two evils" platform.
So how do we make sure this does not happen again, the Democrat's now have control of the House and Senate and they almost won the majority against a filibuster but the Republicans won some squeakers.
Which brings me to how we can fix it. Obama's biggest strength is that he realized that Americans for the most part are morons, he didn't bog us down with stats, and numbers and reasons and of course facts.
His platform was simple, "Hope and Change" no one knew what the fuck that ment but hey it sounded good.
People didnt want to hear about how Clinton caused the sub-prime mess through his revamping of the community re-investment act, the public didn't care that groups like ACORN and the Rainbow coalition blackmailed huge corporations and threatned to stop the mergers if companies didnt give them a "contribution".
Americans did nothing as we allowed our free speech to be suppressed, our liberties taken away from us and watched as the media brutalized our own people.
Republicans need to revisit their vision, things start at the local level, a senate seat here, a district there, our message needs to be refined and retuned, small goverment works, you can not make a poor person rich by giving them money, but you can make him wealthy by allowing him to grab a hold of the American dream and create his own wealth with out fear that the goverment is going to take it away.
This country is centrist at heart, and we need to get that message out there, we need to let people know that with hard work, with some passion and some determination you can be successful, American's wanted a babysitter for the most part and well we are going to find out unless your sleeping with the sitter its not all it is cracked up to be.
Republicans lost focus, they lost the small "l" libertarians, they lost their message we have 2 years till midterm elections to regain some seats in the senate, and another 2 years to get our message out there and focus on the big picture.
2012 is not a long time away, we can all deal with 4 years of a shitty president but unless we have a message we are looking at 8 years and that... is a scary thing.
- Chris
Daily Tech News 24 February 2025
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