I'm told that we here on Life On Terra Firma are going to be having a Live Blogging of the Election Coverage Event. Not only will I not be participating, I am: a) going to bed early; b) refusing to read or watch any news whatsoever for the next week (or however long it takes for everyone to stop talking about this fucking election); and c) putting the entire US of A in a timeout.
I thought I was sick of this shit before. I thought I had seen and heard every stupid political argument on both sides of the fence. I published posts here on this very blog decrying the lack of civil discussion & talking about my disdain for the two major parties.
But now it's gone too far. Seriously people? You take a blog that is devoted to discussing the daily comics - and not the "serious" ones; not the "political" ones; not the fucking editorial cartoons - just the stupid day to day comics like fucking Hagar the Horrible and Marmaduke and you still are not capable of having a discussion in the Comments Thread that does not disintegrate into political bullshit name-calling. You have defiled my last sanctuary on the internet and I will not have it!
You are ALL in timeout! Go! NOW!! Do not talk to me again until you are ready to discuss the latest Mary Worth's "I'm a busybody" storyline or snark on how depressing Funky Winkerbean is.
Daily Tech News 24 February 2025
Top Story With AMD's launch party for its new 9000-series video cards just
days away, it has held a press briefing and of course benchmark numbers
have alr...
1 hour ago