I am very perturbed by this year's Tubey Awards.
(For those who don't read TelevisionWithoutPity.com, these are awards voted on by readers of the TWoP forums. They include categories for Best Drama, Best Sitcom, Favorite Character, Least Favorite Character, etc. but in the past they've also included such interesting categories as "Best Object" (such as the Island on Lost, the Amazing Yellow Line on the Amazing Race, etc.)
The nominating process has always been a little hinkey. For a couple of weeks they open up threads for each category and everyone makes suggestions of nominees in that category. In the end though it was still up to the site's owners to choose the nominees. That seemed to work out okay when people such as Sars, Wing Chun, and Glark were in charge. Then last year they sold the site to Bravo & a number of changes were made (including a new layout that takes FOREVER to load & is quite possibly the most headache-inducing garbled nonsense you can imagine...but that's a rant for another day).
So this year's nominees were chosen by the new site moderators and I guess they only watch six shows because almost all of the nominees seem to be from Lost, Dr. Who, Heroes, Supernatural, Gossip Girl (Does ANYONE actually watch that thing? Srsly?), and Grey's Anatomy. While I love House & Lost, I really can't believe some of the shows, characters, etc. that they've overlooked. Best Villian: Keamy from Lost?? WTF? Dude, you're REALLY stretching there. What about Glenn Close on Damages? Or that old dude who marries the little girls on Big Love? And that's just two right off the top of my head...
Anyway, I was mildly ticked off but not really worked up about it till I got to today's set of nominations which included "Best Cartoon". All the usual suspects are included: The Simpsons (seriously this show stopped being funny sometime in the late 90s), Family Guy (if this show were half as edgy as it thinks it is it would be a lot funnier), and American Dad (again - does anyone actually watch this thing?). Then there were a couple of WTF nominees: Kim Possible? The Amazing Adventures of Spiderman??? Ooookay... there were a couple of decent inclusions from Adult Swim though, so I thought there might be hope... Avatar (not my thing but I've heard it's pretty good, Robot Chicken (very cool show - but I might argue the "Cartoon" label - if the category was for Animated Series...), and Aqua Teen Hunger Force (which can be funny but is kind of past it's prime and had it's best time two or three years ago). Then I noticed - the one missing entry - the one show that not only should have been nominated but blows all of those other nominees out of the water!!! Where in the fuckity fuck is Frisky Dingo???!!!?!?!?!?!?
Seriously TWoP? I put up with the whole Movies without Pity debacle, the ridiculous new recappers, and the new layout of your site that makes me want to guage my eyes out but this?? This I cannot deal with.
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